
Finding God and Strength Together

Christian men need opportunities to connect with other men, growing closer to God and each other. 

Country Burger Club

You’re cordially invited to the tastiest club in town… the Legacy Men’s Country Burger Club.  

Meet us monthly at 6PM, where the dress code is stretchy pants, the membership fee is fries, and the only rule is ranch is mandatory. 

No RSVP required. Bringing friends is encouraged.

Upcoming Meetings: March 13, April 10, and May 8

Bags & BBQ

Join us for Legacy's Men's Ministry Bags & BBQ. Come ready to compete (there will be prizes!), eat, and meat - correction - MEET some old and new friends.

Save the date - registration coming soon!

Past Events

2024 was amazing - we can't wait to share what's in store for 2025!

Questions? Event Suggestions? Get in Touch!